Saturday, November 30, 2024

The case for Subtypes: real world and programming

[This is cross-posted from my general blog:]

Subtyping fits naturally with our human view of reality. Consider these sets of individuals: Dogs, Cats, Humans, Crocodiles, Mammals, Quadrupeds, Animals. There is a natural relation between them represented by this diagram:

At a simple level these are just sets of individuals and the arrows represent set inclusion. But clearly there is more to it than that. The Dog type is distinguished by properties that let us identify an individual as being a dog. And we can see that there is a symmetry in the diagram. As we go up we get more and more individuals in the type, but as we go down we get more and more properties.

This perfectly natural form of subtyping is the right way to do subtyping in a computer programming language.

Now imagine a box that always has a dog in it, and we can change the dog inside to any other dog. Nobody would think that the type of such boxes was a subtype of boxes that have a mammal in it and we can change the contents to any other mammal. The mammal box isn't a dog box because it might have a non-dog inside, and a dog box isn't a mammal box because it isn't big enough for all mammals. They are just different.

Computer memory is like those boxes. Consider 16 bit integers. They can be naturally seen as a subtype of 32 bit integers, since every such can be represented in 32 bits, and 16 bit integers have the property that the integer fits in 16 bits. We can look at a 32 bit integer and decide if it fits in 16 bits. Now consider memory locations that have enough space for a 16 bit integer. These can't be used if what you want is a memory location that can hold a 32 bit integer. And the reverse is equally true: if you have a memory location with a 32 bit integer in it, then you can't use it where you expect a memory location with a 16 bit integer. Once again, they're just different.

Because computers work with changeable memory locations, many programming languages conflate values, such as integers, with boxes which can hold such a value. The first object oriented programming language was Simula 67 and it had classes that consisted of multiple memory-like boxes. It had subclasses which were a brilliant innovation, but they didn't work as we naturally expect, and that has been leading programmers astray, causing bugs, ever since.

Functional programming style emphasizes values rather than places for changing values. These value types naturally form a subtyping hierarchy that behaves the way humans expect. And it turns out that if you organise your type hierarchy correctly a lot of magical goodness results. 

The rest of this post will get more technical, and belongs in my programming blog ( where it will also be posted.